Just to remind anyone actually reading this article that as a general rule I refuse to vote for anyone running as or affiliated with either the Democratic or Republican parties. I believe both parties are fully owned by a tiny elite who are destroying this country and so I refuse to perpetuate rule by the 0.01% by voting for their lackeys.
Executive - No vote
There is just nobody here to vote for. So I’m going to withhold my vote for this position.
Alan E. Lobdell He has no declared affiliation with either party and he is actually proud of his previous public service, which I like. Unfortunately reading his website makes him seem like a cartoon Libertarian. It’s all about building roads, property rights, guns and ’Christian culture’. Next.
Goodspaceguy He seems to constantly be running for something. This time he wants to get rid of minimum wage. Next.
Everett A. Stewart As someone who runs construction companies I think his potential conflicts of interest and industry attitude are just what we don’t need. Also I can’t find a website for him so I have no chance to hear his thoughts more directly.
Dow Constantine Although this is technically a non-partisan position he is happy to advertise his affiliation with the Democratic party. Next.
Port of Seattle, Commissioner Position No. 3 - Andrew Pilloud
Andrew Pilloud No party affiliation but unfortunately his website is largely content free. But at least he tried so there you go.
Michael Wolfe Endorsed by lots and lots of democrats, next.
Stephanie Bowman Endorsed by lots of democrats and the Seattle-King County Realtors. Next.
City of Seattle - Mayor - Kate Martin
Doug McQuaid His candidate statement says nothing of substance and his website is empty. Next.
Ed Murray A Democrat. Next.
Kate Martin Neither her candidate statement nor her website had much of substance other than her apparent desire to cut city healthcare costs. But she at least says some nice things about the environment, transport, civil rights, the police, etc. Note she is almost certainly a Democrat but she doesn’t put up any endorsement by them (does she have any?) so for now I’ll treat that as someone trying to be independent of the Democratic party. Mostly by process of elimination she gets my vote.
Bruce A. Harrell A Democrat. Next.
Mike McGinn A Democrat. Next.
Peter Steinbrueck Another Democrat. Next.
Mary Martin First, I’m no socialist. I do not believe that the state should, by default, own the means of production. Second, her candidate statement is about the state of the world and not the state of Seattle. While I believe the two are related nevertheless Ms. Martin is running for mayor of Seattle, not of Earth.
Joey Gray How can someone write so much both in her candidate statement and her website and yet say so little? And having the candidate talk about herself in the third person was just weird.
Charlie Staadecker He says a few specific things about benchmarking, internships, etc. but honestly nothing terribly substantive. I’m also not thrilled about his background as a real estate broker given the conflicts of interest that raises.
City of Seattle - Council Position No. 2 - Kshama Sawsant
Kshama Sawant $15/hour minimum wage? Rent control? Millionaire tax? Scary stuff but I say bring it on. What we are doing sure as heck isn’t working. I am not super happy that she is a Socialist though, as I mentioned in my notes on Ms. Mary Martin, I’m not a Socialist.
Brian Carver Democrat, next.
Richard Conlin Democrat, next.
City of Seattle - Council Position No. 8 - No Vote
David Ishii Sigh.
Mike O’Brien Um... he didn’t really say anything of substance in his candidate statement or his website. And he’s a Democrat. Next.
Albert Shen Doesn’t say anything on his candidate statement or website and he’s a Democrat. Next.
King County Proposition No 1 Parks Levy - Approved
Sigh... I hate special levies. But given how dysfunctional our local government is I recognize that only by sequestering funds in some cases can non-emergency services get properly funded. Anyone who compares King County’s library system (which is funded by a levy) to Seattle’s (which is funded out of the general fund) has seen just how bad this can get.